大约 2 分钟
和 Least-Connections(最少连接数)
type EventHandler interface {
// 当引擎准备好接受连接时,OnBoot启动。
// The parameter engine has information and various utilities.
OnBoot(eng Engine) (action Action)
// OnShutdown在engine关闭时触发,之后立即调用
// all event-loops and connections are closed.
OnShutdown(eng Engine)
// OnOpen在新连接打开时触发.
// The Conn c has information about the connection such as it's local and remote address.
// The paramete r out is the return value which is going to be sent back to the peer.
// It is usually not recommended to send large amounts of data back to the peer in OnOpened.
// Note that the bytes returned by OnOpened will be sent back to the peer without being encoded.
OnOpen(c Conn) (out []byte, action Action)
// OnClose在连接关闭时触发.
// The parameter err is the last known connection error.
OnClose(c Conn, err error) (action Action)
// 当socket从对等方接收数据时,OnTaffic触发
// 核心处理,事件在此处处理
// Note that the parameter packet returned from React() is not allowed to be passed to a new goroutine,
// as this []byte will be reused within event-loop after React() returns.
// If you have to use packet in a new goroutine, then you need to make a copy of buf and pass this copy
// to that new goroutine.
OnTraffic(c Conn) (action Action)
// OnTick在engine启动后立即触发,并将在一定时间后再次触发
// following the duration specified by the delay return value.
OnTick() (delay time.Duration, action Action)
func (wss *wsServer) Onboot(eng gnet.Engine) gnet.Action {
wss.eng = eng
logging.Infof("echo server with multi-core=%t is listening on %s", wss.multicore, wss.addr)
return gnet.None
func (wss *wsServer) OnOpen(c gnet.Conn) ([]byte, gnet.Action) {
atomic.AddInt64(&wss.connected, 1)
return nil, gnet.None
func (wss *wsServer) OnClose(c gnet.Conn, err error) (action gnet.Action) {
if err != nil {
logging.Warnf("error occurred on connection=%s, %v\n", c.RemoteAddr().String(), err)
atomic.AddInt64(&wss.connected, -1)
logging.Infof("conn[%v] disconnected", c.RemoteAddr().String())
return gnet.None
func (wss *wsServer) OnTraffic(c gnet.Conn) gnet.Action {
if !c.Context().(*wsCodec).ws {
_, err := ws.Upgrade(c)
logging.Infof("conn[%v] upgrade websocket protocol", c.RemoteAddr().String())
if err != nil {
logging.Infof("conn[%v] [err=%v]", c.RemoteAddr().String(), err.Error())
return gnet.Close
c.Context().(*wsCodec).ws = true
} else {
msg, op, err := wsutil.ReadClientData(c)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(wsutil.ClosedError); !ok {
logging.Infof("conn[%v] [err=%v]", c.RemoteAddr().String(), err.Error())
return gnet.Close
logging.Infof("conn[%v] receive [op=%v] [msg=%v]", c.RemoteAddr().String(), op, string(msg))
// This is the echo server
err = wsutil.WriteServerMessage(c, op, msg)
if err != nil {
logging.Infof("conn[%v] [err=%v]", c.RemoteAddr().String(), err.Error())
return gnet.Close
return gnet.None
func (wss *wsServer) OnTick() (delay time.Duration, action gnet.Action) {
logging.Infof("[connected-count=%v]", atomic.LoadInt64(&wss.connected))
return 3 * time.Second, gnet.None
func Test() {
var port int
var multicore bool
// Example command: go run main.go --port 8080 --multicore=true
flag.IntVar(&port, "port", 9080, "server port")
flag.BoolVar(&multicore, "multicore", true, "multicore")
wss := &wsServer{addr: fmt.Sprintf("tcp://", port), multicore: multicore}
// Start serving!
log.Println("server exits:", gnet.Run(wss, wss.addr, gnet.WithMulticore(multicore), gnet.WithReusePort(true), gnet.WithTicker(true)))